November saw the first real snows fall on the Cairngorms, suggesting that Autumn has very swiftly turned to Winter! Wildlife highlights have included:
A further increase in the numbers of Whooper Swans appearing on our local lochs, along with
more Winter wildfowl such as Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler & Pochard
The appearance of Redpolls in the (ever-increasing!) mixed Winter flocks seen in the forests
Increasing numbers of reports of Hen Harriers seen over our local marshlands, especially towards dusk, as they gather to roost in the large reedbeds
Several sightings of the (usually!) elusive Woodcock, probing the leaf litter on the edges of the forests
The addition of good numbers of Bramblings to the mixed finch flocks feeding on the stubble fields
A further increase in the numbers of Whooper Swans appearing on our local lochs, along with
more Winter wildfowl such as Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler & Pochard
The appearance of Redpolls in the (ever-increasing!) mixed Winter flocks seen in the forests
Increasing numbers of reports of Hen Harriers seen over our local marshlands, especially towards dusk, as they gather to roost in the large reedbeds
Several sightings of the (usually!) elusive Woodcock, probing the leaf litter on the edges of the forests
The addition of good numbers of Bramblings to the mixed finch flocks feeding on the stubble fields
A rare (at this time of year) inland sighting, whilst fishing, of a winter-plumaged Red-Throated Diver on a local loch
A brief view of a splendid Male Merlin perched on a farmland fence post, then , in a flash it was gone, fast & low across a field.