Highland Wildlife and Birdwatch Safaris, Guided wildlife excursions, Aviemore, Scotland
Highland Wildlife and Birdwatch Safaris, Guided wildlife excursions, Aviemore, Scotland Highland Wildlife and Birdwatch Safaris, Guided wildlife excursions, Aviemore, Scotland

Saturday, August 31, 2024

 August 2024

August 2024 was unseasonably cool in this area, with often an almost  'autumnal' feel,  temperatures well below average, and more wet and windy days than dry and calm ones, but apart from one morning of severe thunderstorms, the weather was never too bad to spoil our safaris, though with daytime temperatures ranging from 6c to 20c,  and no two days the same, a layered approach to clothing and a waterproof/windproof cagoule on stand-by is recommended..

The days are noticeably shortening now as autumn approaches, but we still have 14-15 hours of usable daylight this far north, with dawn at around 5am and dusk at around 9pm...

With many of our summer visiting bird species departing here for their wintering areas from mid month, it was inevitable that local full-day (7-8 hours) bird lists would reduce down into the 30's , though this could be increased considerably if you included a visit to the Moray coast.

Mammal day lists varied between 3 and 7 species, with earlier starts generally proving more successful, especially for the shyer, more crepuscular species.

August is often a good month for Butterflies, dragonflies and day-flying moths in this area - weather permitting - and a good variety of species were seen on the calmer, sunnier days, though sightings tailed-off noticeably later in the month...

The Highland scenery is extremely picturesque now, with the heather at it's beautiful purple best, one or two ferns turning coppery gold, a few leaves beginning to morph into their autumn hues, lots of varieties of fungus appearing, the wild Blaeberries ripe for picking, and the Rowan trees now fully laden with bright red or orange berries.

August is purple heather time up on the moors in the Cairngorms National Park

To give you an idea of what you may realistically hope to see if you are considering a future August visit, I hope the following more detailed information, illustrated with photos taken at sites in and around the Cairngorms National Park, and sometimes further afield, by myself, my friends or my safari clients this month and in previous August's will help....clicking on the picture enlarges it to full-screen. 

All photographs of wildlife, especially Schedule 1 and other protected or vulnerable bird species shown on this website were taken legally at long range with powerful zoom lenses, or from my vehicle on public roads, well away from nest sites,  and no disturbance was caused to any wildlife..

Local speciality/upland bird species seen regularly during the month included:

Osprey, Red GrouseGoldeneye and Goosander, and they are definitely the most reliable local speciality species in August...

Red-Throated Diver and Black-throated Diver,  with youngwere both seen a couple of times early on,  though sightings tailed-off from mid-month....

Crested Tit and Crossbill sightings were a bit brief, random and infrequent, though we did manage to see both species at least a couple of times....

Dippers proved frustratingly elusive this month, with just a few brief views...

Golden Eagle sightings increased a little, with 3 sightings this month...though we only managed one view of a White-Tailed Eagle....

Sadly, but not unusually, we failed to see Capercaillie or Black Grouse at all this month....

Mammal species seen regularly included:

Red Squirrel, Roe Deer, Reindeer, Red Deer, Rabbit, Brown Hare, and feral Mountain Goat, with just a couple of brief glimpses of Bank Vole....and typically, we failed to see a Mountain Hare at all this month...

August 2024 bird sightings in more detail:

On the lochs..

A picturesque local loch

Osprey would probably take the crown as 'bird of the month' as voted by my safari clients this month,  understandable  I guess when you consider that these impressively large and attractive looking summer-visiting raptors can also provide additional "wow" factor when seen plunge-diving, eating or carrying fish!... and although  some of the parent birds appeared to have departed by the 24th, the now fully independent youngsters could occasionally be seen near their nest sites right up to the end of the month, though they too will soon depart for warmer climes, so I am making the most of every sighting now...

Young Osprey


Young Ospreys

Young Ospreys by Kosmo Dossett

Still on the lochs, as I reported previously, Black-Throated Diver bred successfully locally this summer, and although sightings reduced a little and became less predictable as the juveniles became more mobile, we still saw them occasionally until mid-month, when they presumably departed for the coast, where they will stay until next spring....

Black Throated Diver family - Photo from Aug 2022

Our local Red-Throated Divers were seen occasionally until mid-month, and it was good to see at least one well-grown youngster maturing...but they too now appear to have departed for the coast.....where they will remain until next spring...

Red Throated Diver - Photo from Aug 2021

Our local Goldeneyes seem to have no problems breeding in this area though, the only place in the UK where they do so, and it was good to see them still in  family groups on local lochs and rivers, all feeding together throughout the month,


Up on the moors....

A local upland heather moorland

Red Grouse,  still in family groups, were seen reasonably regularly on local upland moorlands, though they were not totally reliable, and , similarly to last year, with brood sizes being smaller than normal, it would appear that some local estates have either delayed or cancelled shooting  again this year.....

Red Grouse by Kosmo Dossett

Red Grouse

Adult female Red Grouse

In the Caledonian pine forests...

Caledonian Forest

Crested Tits have now joined the 'mixed winter flocks' of  many different bird species 'working' through our local Caledonian pine forests... so... to see the 'Wee Cresties' you first have to  find one of these roving flocks , then listen out for their distinctive chuckling trill , then try and pick them out as they move in annoyingly flitty style through the branches - not an easy task! , but, satisfyingly for myself as a guide, we managed it on a decent number of occasions, with many of my safari clients obtaining a difficult and much sought after 'life-tick'... or of course, you can occasionally get lucky when one visits a forest feeding station, though this is not a common occurrence outside of the winter months...

Crested Tit - Photo from Aug 2022

Still in the forests, with the exception of some distant and brief views of a perched male on the 13th and a perched female on the 17th,  Crossbills sightings were (again!) usually of the rather frustrating 'fly-over' variety, with them only being identified by their characteristic 'jip' 'jip' calls as they flew overhead between different areas of the forests...so sadly, there were very few photo opportunities this month...

Female Crossbill

As is usual, sadly, we failed to manage any sightings of Capercaillie this month......

Please note that Capercaillie numbers would still appear to be alarmingly low, they are now very rare and elusive, possibly on the brink of extinction, and I would only rate our chances of seeing one on my safaris  as "very slim" at best, and we are now requested not to go in search of them, for fear of disturbing them.....and please be aware that Police Scotland  and the Cairngorms National Park Authority Rangers patrol 'known' Capercaillie areas for the first few hours of light throughout the spring/summer in an attempt to dissuade anyone from entering the forest and potentially disturbing the birds during lekking/breeding season.....with prosecution an option if you fail to heed their 'advice'....you have been warned....


In the birch woods:

A local birch woodland

It would appear that our 'star' summer-visiting species - Pied Flycatcher and Wood Warbler - have already migrated south from our local birch woods, and similarly to the pine forests, the resident birds are now forming their mixed winter flocks.....

On the rivers...

A picturesque local river

Sightings of Dippers were frustratingly difficult to come by, and a little 'random' this month, as the adults presumably show the youngsters around their territory, so I would recommend familiarizing yourself with their distinctive 'zit zit' calls to give you more chance of spotting them, as they can be frustratingly elusive at this time of year......



Family groups of Goosanders were encountered reasonably frequently, though they are always very wary of humans, and don't usually stick around for too long once they become aware of us....

Goosander family


Up in the glens...

August in a local upland glen

Birds of prey are always popular with my safari clients, and although we are still to reach 'peak' time,  sightings definitely increased this month, especially in the second half, with visits to favourite local glens and moors producing rreasonably egular encounters with KestrelCommon Buzzard,  Red KiteSparrowhawk and Peregrine Falcon, often in family groups, and pleasingly, we also managed a few views of  Golden Eagle, and one sighting of a White-Tailed Eagle....

Peregrine Falcon

Red Kite

Common Buzzard

A distant Golden Eagle

Up in the mountains....

A rainbow over the Cairngorm Mountains

Being really busy with safaris, I didn't have time to take a walk up to the mountain tops this month, but to be honest,  I'm not sure I missed much, as it would appear that  although a few Snow Buntings were reported, Ptarmigan and Dotterel were  generally very elusive, and our Ring Ouzels appear to have already departed...

On farmland...

Typical local farmland

Sadly, our local farmland is always a little 'quiet' for birds at this time of year, with most of the summer-visiting waders now returned to the coast,  and the winter visitors yet to arrive, bird sightings were restricted to just the odd lingering Lapwing or Oystercatcher....along with the resident Pheasants and Red Legged Partidges of course.....

Red Legged Partridges

Young Lapwing

A few summer-visiting birds seen this month:  

Spotted Flycatcher

Barn Swallow

Young Sand Martins - Photo from Aug 2023

Other good/scarce birds seen/reported locally this month included:

2 Kingfishers on the River Spey near Grantown on the 5th, a probable 'Greenland' Wheatear on dava Moor mid-month,  and a juvenile Marsh Harrier was reported at Insh Marshes on and off during the month.....

A few photos of more common birds seen locally this month:

Greater Spotted Woodpecker

Young Grey Wagtail

Song Thrush

Young Stonechat



Adventures 'out of area':

Lossiemouth East Beach and lagoon

The Moray coast is only about a one hour drive north of Aviemore, and although I didn't manage a trip myself this month, from previous experience, although it is very late in the breeding season,  trips to favourite reserves, sea cliffs, lochs, bays and harbours can still give good views of  birds such as Razorbill, Common Guillemot, Black Guillemot, Fulmar, Kittiwake, Shag,  Gannet,  Greylag Geese,  Black-Tailed GodwitBar-Tailed Godwit Ringed Plover Redshank, Oystercatcher, Turnstone, Curlew,    Eiders, Common Tern , Arctic Tern, Sandwich tern and Red-Throated and Great Northern  Divers, with the chance of  rare/scarce birds such as  Tree Sparrow , Grey Partridgeand rare gulls.....

Sanderling by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023

Sandwich Tern by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023

Oystercatcher by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023

Redshank by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023

Turnstone by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023 

Ringed Plover by Steve Nicklin - Photo from Aug 2023

August 2024 mammal sightings in more detail:

With bird sightings 'slowing down' a little, mammal sightings  always become more important at this time of year, and we are lucky to have such a good selection to go for in this area....

We are fortunate to have Red Squirrels in our local forests, a species sadly absent from most of the UK now, due largely to invasion by the introduced Grey Squirrel (and the Squirrel pox virus they carry), so they are always popular with my safari clients - often getting voted as 'mammal of the day', and forest walks and visits to my favourite Caledonian pine forest feeding stations produced lots of good sightings, often with decent photographic opportunities...though we did have a few days when none showed at all...

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel

A frequent contender for my safari clients 'mammal of the day' award is the iconic 'monarch of the glen' - the Red Deer, and although they can be seen in more places all round the UK these days, it is still great to see them in their 'proper' home environment of upland glens and mountainsides, with many now sporting an impressive set of antlers, and although they are mainly still in their large same-sex groups at the moment, that will be sure to change in a few weeks time when the autumn 'rut' commences..

Red Deer Stags

Red Deer Stags

Still up in the glens, we also have feral Mountain Goats, interesting animals that come in a wide variety of colours from white, through grey and brown to black, or any combination of some or all of these colours, and many of my safari clients saw them in the wild for the first time whilst out on safari with me this month...

Feral Mountain Goats

Roe Deer are actually fairly common throughout most of the UK, but due to their crepuscular nature, most of my safari clients rarely see them, and they are easily disturbed by human noise and activity...but July and August is their 'rutting' time, and early starts, and quiet drives and walks round secluded areas gave us a few decent views this month..

Roe Deer

Being largely nocturnal, and with their blotchy grey/brown/white summer coat perfectly matching their upland surroundings,  Mountain Hares can prove very difficult to see in the summer months, and so it proved this month, as I don't recall us getting a single sighting .....

Mountain Hare - Photo from Aug 2018

Thankfully, our local Brown Hares were a little more obliging, especially early in the morning, though they rarely stick around once they become aware of us watching them, so it's rare to get a decent photo opportunity...

Brown Hare

Hairy Highland Coo's always prove to be popular with my safari clients, especially those who do not have them close to home, so don't be afraid to ask me if you fancy going to see them, and maybe even get to feed and 'pat' them,  as I have a couple of great sites....

Sliced apple time for Murdo

Murdo The Magnificent

Rare/nocturnal mammals:

I get a few enquiries about the possibility of seeing  Badgers and  Pine Marten from my safari clients, many of whom I suspect are unaware that they are actually a largely nocturnal creature, and although we do get the occasional (maybe one or two a year) dawn glimpse of one, you would definitely have a much higher chance of seeing them at a specific dusk Badger/Pine Marten watching hide - Please contact me for more information.

Similarly, our inland Otters too are mainly active during the hours of darkness, and again, although we do get a few early-morning sightings on local lochs and rivers each year, looking for them feeding in a suitably quiet, kelp - filled bay on the coast on a rising tide, but at any time of day, would give you a much better chance.

Whilst we are still on the 'tricky to see stuff', the Scottish Wildcat too, as well as being incredibly rare now, is also generally nocturnal, and the fact that I have had a mere handful of  (dawn or dusk) sightings in over 20 years of providing wildlife safaris should give you an idea of how difficult they are to see.

Marine mammals:

The Moray and Aberdeenshire coasts are pretty reliable for sightings of Seals of both types, with a decent chance of Harbour Porpoise and Dolphins, and even a slim chance of Whales...


Bottlenose Dolphins at the Moray Coast

Other wildlife:

Due to the often poor weather, butterfly sightings were at a bit of a premium this month, though we did get a few sightings of some of the more common species , who have now been joined by our local speciality, an August speciality, the  Scotch Argus....

Meadow Brown butterflies

Small Tortoiseshell

Scotch Argus

Our local Wood Ants are still active on the warmer days...

Wood Ant nest

Midsummer is the best time to see Atlantic Salmon leaping on Highland rivers, on their way upstream to the spawning grounds, and although peak viewing time is now over, visits to known 'hot-spots' can still be productive....


I am very pleased to announce that Highland Wildlife & Birdwatch Safaris has recently been awarded - for the third consecutive year -  a Travelers Choice accreditation from Trip Advisor, for being ranked in the top 10% of visitor attractions worldwide, based on customer reviews and feedback.

This achievement would not have been possible without the support of all my family, friends, safari clients, social media followers, regular blog readers , the Visit Scotland 'mystery shoppers', and everyone else who has helped and encouraged me along the way to ‘living my dream’ of being a wildlife safari guide, since 2004, especially over the last few very difficult  COVID affected years, so a big THANK YOU to you all :)

We have also recently (late January) upgraded our safari vehicle to a slightly newer Land Rover Discovery5 HSE LUX 7-seater, and this one has, along with excellent off-road and all-weather ability.  7 heated seats, and all the usual luxuries such as rear-seat entertainment DVD screens, a panoramic sunroof, and height-adjustable air suspension, and it is also more spacious and 'greener' than my previous versions with  (ULEZ compliant) ultra-low emissions and improved fuel economy....

My new(er) safari vehicle on it's 'debut' outing in February

All tourism/hospitality/activities in Scotland are open, are free of restrictions  and I have now completed well over two years of  (thankfully!) increasingly busy and extremely enjoyable safaris with clients with no major issues arising.

With all national travel restrictions lifted too, Scotland is officially 'open for business' for visitors from all over the UK, and from abroad.

For those considering a visit, these wildlife/outdoor tourism websites may prove useful:

June - September is midge season - But thankfully, this area is not usually affected too badly - This link explains why: 

Bumper midge hatch alert after warm spell - BBC News


NatureScot (outdooraccess-scotland.scot)

Can Nature Help Health? | Nature Prescriptions - YouTube

Scotland, Yours to Enjoy. Responsibly. - YouTube

Cairngorms National Park Authority

Highland Wildlife Park

Positive prescriptions | The RSPB


The iconic Scottish Thistle


The Scottish Highlands, being very sparsely populated, has had very few COVID-19 cases in comparison to most of the UK, and on my safaris we tend to visit remote , wild habitats well away from the more popular tourist areas, and usually have very little interaction with other people, and this is something that I intend to continue.


So, although maybe not the best month for the hard-core birder, 'twitcher' or photographer to visit, due to the limited number of bird species around, August in the Cairngorms National Park would still appear to have quite a lot to offer the more casual beginner or 'improver' nature-watcher, or maybe those with a young family looking for a less intense or 'taster' wildlife safari experience, with no need for a really early start, in arguably, one of the more scenic months of the year.

Looking back through my notes and photos for this month, I reckon that our sightings were actually pretty decent for the time of year, with some of the summer species lingering in this area , more raptors now on the wing,  a few reliable local specialities seen regularly and most importantly of all, my safari clients from all around the world certainly seemed to enjoy themselves, as did I....

Rosebay Willowherb or Fireweed


I know a lot of visitors to this area very wisely check out reviews of attractions/experiences at TripAdvisor before 'taking the plunge' and booking - We now have nearly 350 reviews online, so if you wish, you can check out our clients comments at the link below....



Gift Certificates:

Safari gift voucher

If you think you know someone who may enjoy a taste of what I do, why not treat them to a safari gift certificate? They make a thoughtful and imaginative present, are available for any amount and are valid for a whole year from date of purchase........